NM Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum4100 Dripping Springs Rd
Las Cruces, NM 88011
United States
Google map and directions
TO: RPDAC CCC Members and CCC
FROM: Kimberly Skaggs, Chairman
Annmarie Donovan, Secretary
RE: “Official CCC and Biennial Convention Call”
DATE: January 14, 2022
“Call” is hereby made for the County Central Committee Meeting of the Republican Party of Dona Ana County to be held January 14, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, 4100 Dripping Springs Rd, Las Cruces, NM 88011
Consider contests to the delegates from the Ward Caucuses to the Biennial County
Central Committee and Convention
Affirm voting delegates from the Ward Caucuses
Affirm 2023-2024 County Central Committee members from the Ward Caucuses, and
“Call” is hereby made for the Biennial County Convention of the Republican Party of Dona Ana County to be held January 14, 2023 immediately following adjournment of the CCC meeting at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum, 4100 Dripping Springs Rd, Las Cruces, NM 88011 to:
Recess for a meeting of the new County Central Committee to elect new county officers;
Affirm a new county contingent of members to the State Central Committee; and,
Any other proper business.
Any contests to the delegates nominated from the Wards must be presented to the County Secretary not less than one hour prior to the published start time of the County Central Committee Meeting.
Special Rules in effect for this CCC meeting and Convention are:
- All self-nominations were received by the deadline, 5:00pm, December 30, 2022. Therefore no nominations will be accepted from the floor.
- A maximum of five (5) registered proxies may be carried by any registered Republican, within the proxy's ward, who has also registered to attend the Convention in person.
- In this election, all offices will be awarded by majority vote rather than plurality vote.
- The voting process will be conducted via paper ballot.
Below you will find links to all official Biennial Documents for Dona Ana County.
We look forward to our Biennial and hope you do as well!
Official CCC and Biennial Convention Call
The RPDAC Executive Board
Republican Party of Doña Ana County